Praying without ceasing, that’s how we strive to live at 4KIDS. An appeals process is taking a long time; we pray. A child is struggling in their new home; we pray. Visits with the bio family cause mixed emotions in a child; we pray. CPS is coming to a family’s home to do a random inspection; we pray.
Every Giant Will Fall
What are your giants? The things that make you tremble in fear as you stand before them—no matter how many times you’ve overcome them before. Maybe your giant is fear of failure or fear of rejection. Maybe it’s something more tangible like the fear of losing a loved one or not making enough money to support your family.
Prayers and Praises: The Lord is Ever Faithful
Is God Enough?
Not All Superheroes Wear Capes (Some Do Paperwork All Day)
Wednesday Devotional: Nothing Can Withstand the Power of God's Love for Me
No Name Unknown, No Life Ignored: God has Authority Over All
In the last few months there have been numerous natural disasters and tragedies around the world and it seems as if a tide of hate and fear is rising. As Christians we live with the knowledge and peace that Jesus will come back one day and make all things right and new, but for now we have to live on this broken earth where it can be so difficult to trust in the Lord and to persevere.
Peace and a Plan: God's Future for Every Child in Foster Care
The world of foster care is often heartbreaking and emotional; children’s lives are turned upside down though no fault of their own, and they experience more trauma and fear than we could imagine. Paperwork, appeals, and strangers rule the lives of these children, as they are removed from their families and comfort zones.