Defining Terms in Foster Care: A Cheat Sheet

Defining Terms in Foster Care: A Cheat Sheet

We throw around a lot of terms in the foster care world. With a language all its own and steeped in the legal system, there are terms those who work in the foster care system use everyday that might not make sense for families and new foster parents. 

Below are the most common terms you will encounter in this ministry and what they mean.

Ad litem

An attorney ad litem is a lawyer appointed by the court to represent the rights of a child in a foster care case. 


Adoption happens when the biological parent’s rights are legally terminated by the court, and the child becomes available for a new family. Adoption is a legally binding covenant between a family and child, overseen by the court.


If a judge deems it necessary and approrpiate to terminate parental rights, the biological parent can sometimes appeal the decision, depending on the situation.


A court-appointed special advocate (CASA) is an advocate for the child. They are the eyes and ears of the court.

Case manager

1HOPE for Kids utilizes case managers for all of our foster families. Case managers look out for the child and the family, working with the courts, state agencies, and other entities as a liaison, advocate, and resource.


Child Protective Services (CPS) utilizes caseworkers. They investigate reports of abuse or neglect, and open a case on behalf of the child. Caseworkers concentrate on the child in the system and seek referrals and resources for their benefit.

Clinical team

A clinical team is a collaborative team of 1HOPE case managers, CPS caseworkers, ad litems (if assigned), CASA (if assigned), and therapists. Together they work with the families and courts to achieve the best outcome for the child in care.


The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is the primary agency in Texas that works to prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children and adults. CPS is a subdepartment of DFPS.


The family home developer (FHD) team at 1HOPE trains and prepares families to become licensed foster parents. They conduct classes, home visits, preliminary interviews, and cultivate church partnerships. When a family starts the process of becoming a licensed foster family, they will first work with our FHD team and then after licensing they will work with our case manager team.


Fostering is a temporary arrangement to provide stability and a safe environment for the child in care while permanency is reached.


Mandates are court requirements and corrective action issued to the biological parents through a service plan. This is what they have to do or correct to regain legal custody of their children and may include anger management, gainful employment, housing, rehab, etc. 


Children need safe and loving homes in which to grow and mature. When a child is removed from their home, the goal for everyone involved is to establish permanency for the child, either through reunification with biological family, or adoption.


A child placed in a home for fostering.


A permanent managing conservator (PMC) is someone appointed by the judge to be legally responsible for a child without adopting them. This might include DFPS, a family member, or a foster parent. Generally, a PMC is not the option 1HOPE pursues or advocates for because we believe every child should have a home.


Respite is temporary care of a foster child placement so the foster parent can recharge or take care of an emergency situation. You can read more about respite providers here.