1HOPE for Kids

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Three Ways Anyone Can Help Foster Children Today

Recently, someone asked how they could help children in need. I told them, “Pray.”

They clarified—they meant tangible ways to help.

I told them again: “Pray.”

Prayer is part of the armor of God (Eph 6:16-18), just as a radio is a platoon leader’s link to command. There is no better way to care for foster children and their families than by bringing their needs before the sovereign God of Heaven and Earth.

Yet, in a culture of activism, where “thoughts and prayers” are often dismissed, we’ve lost sight of this. And I don’t want to diminish what that person was trying to do, but Scripture is clear about the power and necessity of prayer:

  • Mark 11:24 – “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

  • Romans 8:26 – “The Spirit helps us in our weakness... the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”

  • Ephesians 6:18 – “Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication...”

  • Matthew 6:9-13 – “Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…’”

In a seemingly hopeless situation, what could be more vital than placing our hope in God? Here are three meaningful ways you can help, starting with prayer.


Pray for our foster families. Pray that more answer the call to make disciples of orphans. Pray boldly that every child finds a safe, loving home where they can hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pray for biological families to succeed in their court-mandated services so they can be reunified. Pray for a legal system that prioritizes the well-being of children.

Get Involved

Aside from prayer, the most direct way to help a foster child is to become a foster parent. Homes are urgently needed, but not just any home—only licensed, carefully vetted families can take in foster children. At 1HOPE, we work through local churches to recruit families who will provide the best possible care.

Not everyone is called to foster, but everyone can do something:

  • Volunteer with us.

  • Write notes of encouragement to foster families.

  • Cook a meal for a foster family.

  • Organize a diaper drive at your workplace, school, or small group.

  • Donate holiday meals—one local church provides full Thanksgiving dinners, turkey included, for our single moms.

  • Offer your skills—one volunteer is making scrapbooks for us to present to grant organizations.

  • Provide respite care or babysit to give foster parents a break.

There is no shortage of ways to serve.


If time or location limits your ability to help, giving financially is an option anyone can do from anywhere.

As a licensed foster agency, some of our funding comes from the state. But:

  1. It’s not ideal.

  2. It’s not enough.

State benefits often don’t cover essential needs. Donations bridge that gap.

For example, when an infant has suffered neglect—left lying in one position for extended periods—their skull may require cranial reshaping helmets. The state considers this “cosmetic” rather than “necessary”, leaving foster families with a bill of thousands of dollars. Our donors cover that cost, ensuring these children get the care they need. Donations also help fund extra therapy, such as Equine-Assisted Therapy, which has been life-changing for many children in care.

If any of these options spoke to you, we’d love to connect.

📩 Fill out our inquiry form.
📞 Contact us online here, by phone at (210) 910-6533 or email at info@1hopeforkids.org

Ask God how He might use you to care for orphans—through prayer or through action.