Building Resilient Families: A Christian Approach to Trauma-Informed Care
Building Resilient Families: A Christian Approach to Trauma-Informed Care
Though “trauma” has become a buzzword in social media therapy, the truth is that we have all experienced trauma to some degree. As within the foster care system, we know that children from hard places experience trauma routinely.
Trauma-informed care, with its emphasis on recognizing and responding to the widespread impact of trauma, becomes a crucial aspect of providing support. At 1HOPE, we employ "Trust-Based Relational Intervention" (TBRI) to help our parents build connections based on trust with foster children.
As a Christian organization licensing families from local churches, we believe our approach can offer solace and healing through the gospel of Jesus.
Christian Principles in Trauma-Informed Care
Love and Compassion:
One foster mom shared that her family started fostering because of their love inspired by the 1 John 4:19, "We love because He first loved us.” Indeed, reflecting the love shown to us by Christ, we can extend compassion by opening our homes to children in need. As we follow the greatest commandment to love God and our neighbor, fostering becomes an act of worship.
Forgiveness and Healing:
Hurt people, hurt people. Christian families, rooted in their relationship with God through forgiveness, possess a unique ability to provide trauma-informed care. Jesus encourages forgiveness repeatedly, reflecting the understanding that hurt people hurt others. For foster parents, forgiving children who act out due to trauma becomes a powerful tool in healing and building trust.
Practical Tips for Foster Parents
Incorporating Faith into Daily Routines:
Christian foster parents can create a nurturing environment by integrating Christian practices into daily routines. Whether through family worship, prayer at meal times, or reading Scripture together, intentional practices contribute to stability and comfort for children who have experienced trauma. Consistency and routine foster a sense of security, providing a foundation for trust and healing.
Creating a Safe and Open Environment:
Building on trauma-informed care principles, foster families need to cultivate open communication to foster trust and vulnerability. This dialogue is crucial for foster children carrying the weight of past traumas, empowering them to voice emotions and fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance. Responding calmly and supportively to shared experiences is essential for creating a safe space.
Community and Counseling Partnerships:
At 1HOPE, we exclusively recruit foster families who are members of their church, recognizing the importance of the church community in raising a child. Foster parents are encouraged to seek counseling, whether from church elders or licensed professionals, as faith and professional support work together to treat the whole person.
Christians, equipped with love, compassion, forgiveness, and a rhythm of faith, uniquely meet the needs of children in foster care. Our goal is to guide these children toward Jesus and grow together as followers of Christ. For questions or assistance in finding resources or a community, we are here to help.
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