1HOPE for Kids

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The Compassionate Journey: Your Path to Becoming a Foster Parent with 1HOPE

The Compassionate Journey: Your Path to Becoming a Foster Parent with 1HOPE

Embarking on the journey to become a foster parent can feel like navigating uncharted waters. With unique terminology, legal intricacies, and a detailed licensing process, it's normal to feel a bit overwhelmed. But fear not! 1HOPE for Kids is your guiding star, here to help you chart a course through this life-changing adventure.

Seek Guidance: 

Before diving in, remember that fostering is a calling from the Lord. It's not a path for everyone. Take time to pray about it. Discuss with your spouse or a trusted friend or family member. And don't forget your church family – they are a vital source of support. Let the wisdom and counsel of God’s people guide you, affirming or redirecting your decision as needed.

Fill Out an Inquiry Form: 

Your first step is filling out an inquiry form. This simple action opens the door to valuable information and outlines the next steps in your journey. You’ll receive an email full of next steps, the upcoming schedule of training, and insights to set you on the right path.

Attend an Information Meeting: 

We require all prospective parents to attend an orientation meeting. This session is crucial in helping you 'count the cost' and equips you with essential information to share with others who might support you on this journey.

Embark on the Licensing Process: 

Yes, the licensing process is a marathon, not a sprint, typically spanning about four months if pursued actively. Expect intensive training sessions, thorough background checks, and detailed home studies. It might feel intrusive (because it is), but this rigor is vital in safeguarding the welfare of children in the foster system.

Secure Respite Care: 

We strongly advise identifying a respite provider before completing your licensing. While evening babysitters only need a basic background check and CPR training, respite providers undergo more extensive preparation similar to that of the foster parent. Consider enlisting a relative, friend, or church member for this role. We also have a list of vetted respite providers to assist if needed.

Build Your Support Network: 

At 1HOPE for Kids, we pride ourselves on being incredibly supportive. Our case managers not only advocate for you but also pray for our families and assist with tangible needs. However, your personal support network is irreplaceable. Ideally, this includes your church community, but it can also encompass other foster parents within 1HOPE and beyond.

Finalize Your Licensing: 

The culmination of this process is obtaining your state license, renewable through annual requirements and continuing education credits. 1HOPE, alongside your case manager, will guide you through these ongoing commitments.

Welcome a Placement: 

With licensing complete, you're ready to welcome a foster child into your home. We match children with families based on various factors, ensuring the best possible fit. When a child enters the system, 1HOPE works closely with CPS to find a loving and suitable home like yours.


Becoming a foster parent is a profound commitment, filled with challenges and immense rewards. At 1HOPE for Kids, we're committed to supporting you every step of the way on this incredible journey. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children who need it the most.

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